In this day and age, we commonly purchase almost everything online. I, for one, adore online shopping! It’s so convenient, and things can get shipped right away. However, when something appears too good to be true, it probably is. These days, fraud is everywhere online. So while clothes, electronics, and pet toys, to name a few, are great when purchased online, more important and/or expensive items should only be bought from reputable and known websites. When it comes to skin care, makeup, or beauty products, I become even more wary, because there might be health risks involved. Unless it is from the original manufacturer’s website (,, I would not purchase any skincare or beauty products online.
First of all, you have no idea how these products are handled by unauthorized distributers. For high end or medical grade skin care products, they need to be temperature controlled – the active ingredients can degrade, making the product less effective or, worse still, completely useless. When you are buying from a third party dealer, you are not guaranteed that they are handling the products properly. Also, be wary of the expiration dates! You could be purchasing expired products, which is another reason why they are sold cheaper online.
There are also many cases in which the products aren’t even the real thing. Third party dealers purchase the empty containers, and repackage it with an imitation product. Read more about how these fakes can harm your health here. When it come to your skin and beauty, you do get what you pay for. If something seems like an especially good deal, remember that it is probably too good to be true. Take the safe route and purchase the products from your facial plastic surgeon’s office, where you know the physician and can ask any questions you may have about the products. Plus you won’t have to pay for shipping!
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